Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's Prezi

So I've been doing some internet searching on new tools that I could use in my classroom.  I came across this thing called Prezi.  Prezi is beyond the normal presentation and it's flash based.  It's so cool.  It has all kinds of zooming affects and once you get started it gets easier to use. 

There are three basic account types that you can choose from and the educational license has many benefits:

  1. Create prezis online: Login to prezi.com from any online computer to create, show and share prezis.
  2. Present offline: Download finished prezis so you can present offline.
  3. Make content private: Choose if a prezi is private, published, or shared with selected individuals.
  4. Prezi watermark removed: We remove the small watermark from your prezis.
Check out the photos/video below:

Here is a cool Video on Prezi about math:

Other Links on Prezi:
  1. Prezi Website
  2. Web Article about Prezi
  3. Prezi and Google